About Us
Springbok Energy is a privately held company that specializes in acquiring mineral and royalty interests in the continental United States.
We purchase all over the U.S. with our main areas of interest being the Williston Basin in Northwest North Dakota and the Haynesville Shale in Northwest Louisiana. Since our founding in 2006, we have helped more than 30,000 mineral owners monetize their mineral assets – receiving a guaranteed amount today instead of waiting years for their royalty checks to accumulate into a meaningful amount.

Areas Of Interest
Williston Basin in North Dakota
• Dunn • McKenzie • Mountrail • Williams
Haynesville Shale in Northwest Louisiana
• Bienville • Bossier • Caddo • DeSoto • Red River • Sabine
Additional Areas of Interest
• Appalachian Basin • DJ Basin • Eagle Ford • Permian Basin • SCOOP/STACK
Why Sell?
The most important reason? Simply put, more control over your assets. Rather than waiting for small monthly royalty checks that can fluctuate and decline, with a large, lump sum payment, you receive financial freedom and so much more.

Achieve Your Dreams
Everyone has something they’ve always wanted to do—if only they had the money.

Take Advantage of Tax Benefits
With royalty payments, you have to report and pay taxes at the ordinary income tax rate every year.

Reduce Your Financial Risk
Royalty payments often vary widely from month to month.

Simplify Your Finances
By selling, you no longer have to keep up with all of the paperwork.